Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Brazil Tuesday 24th March

Its a slight change of plan from my previous post when I said I would not go to Brazil and here I am in Brazil, Govenor Valadres too be presice,it the third day of the Paragliding World Cup but unfortunatly no task today.
I am curently in 15th position after the first two tasks,with my Niviuk Uk team mate Neil roberts in 17t,not bad for a couple of old giffers from up north,trying to get used to Brazilian conditions, which translates too weak lift and 30 degs with high humidity.
I am doing a fine impersonation of a garden sprinkler as I type this at 6pm in the sweltering heat,I may have to retreat to our room and down a few more ice cold largers ,its a hardlife but someone has to do it.
Oh almost forgot there are three more brits out here,Kia Colmen around the middle of the table ,mark Haymen in 80 ish and Craig Morgan in 108.I have some good pictures and will post as soon as I get a chance.
B4N Steve

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve - I'm so pleased I'm here in the UK with the rain, strong winds and working and not over there having to suffer the torture of cold beers, warm temperatures and even a bit of flying :) Fantastic results !!!

    All the best
    Andy / Sue
