Saturday, 5 September 2009

An overdue update

Hallo everyone,sorry for the delayed report, internet has struggled to reach this part of Italy,anyway the first day was a 70 ish km race won by stephan mortnagler with our own Russ Ogden in 2nd place and the rest of the brits spread down the leader board.
I finished in 80th position which I am happy with,I was only 20mins behind the winner and scored 750 pts.
The secound day involved a trip to L'Quila, the idea was to show support for the local people as this was the site of the huge earthquake earlier this year where hundreds of people lost thier lives,although we could not have a task some pilots managed to fly to the landing field where the locals had laid on a fine spread of local produce, beer and wine for us to sample and the idea was to try and show life coming back to normal by stagging a task in slowley recovering City.
Day three back up the hill at Poggio for a 75km task around 7 turnpoints finishing at the Poggio landing field,unfortunatly the task was stopped at 46.7km the good news is I finished in secound place,my best finish so far in a PWC.

I do have loads of great pictures but no way to upload them at the moment,watch this space,I will keep trying.

Again, sorry for typos and spelling,I am a bit lost without spellcheck.

Tomorrow looks like ther will be north winds and we will go to the other side of the mountains,but I am not quite sure where.B4N Steve

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